Thursday, June 18, 2009

Leader vs Manager

I visited my LINKEDIN account, just to update my profile and somehow update myself with my connections...

And in my browsing.. I came to read a shared presentation by a member... It is quite intriguing... and I realized that indeed there are big differences between being a Manager and a Leader...

Then I asked my self... "What am I?"

For me, a Leader is a person that drives a group to achieve a goal. He is more of a motivator, a mediator... He knows how to adjust to differences within his group...

A Manager on the other hand.. is more of a planner... he makes sure that everything is in place... no matter what. He is more focused on the goals.. and he makes sure that the goal is met regardless of what comes their way...

I have to agree on some points in the presentation... like this one... "A Manager is most of the time a leader.. but a leader is at times a manager"...

So what's your take on this? So what are you?

According to the following are the distinct differences between the two:
  • The manager administers; the leader innovates.

  • The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.
  • The manager maintains; the leader develops.
  • The manager accepts reality; the leader investigates it.
  • The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.
  • The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.
  • The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective.
  • The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
  • The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader has his or her eye on the horizon.
  • The manager imitates; the leader originates.
  • The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
  • The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person.
  • The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing.
Read the Leader vs Manager article of

Another article that i found in the web, is the point of comparison by, and take a look at their comparison table...

(excerpts coming from the article)
This table summarizes the above (and more) and gives a sense of the differences between being a leader and being a manager. This is, of course, an illustrative characterization, and there is a whole spectrum between either ends of these scales along which each role can range. And many people lead and manage at the same time, and so may display a combination of behaviors.

Essence Change Stability
Focus Leading people Managing work
Have Followers Subordinates
Horizon Long-term Short-term
Seeks Vision Objectives
Approach Sets direction Plans detail
Decision Facilitates Makes
Power Personal charisma Formal authority
Appeal to Heart Head
Energy Passion Control
Dynamic Proactive Reactive
Persuasion Sell Tell
Style Transformational Transactional
Exchange Excitement for work Money for work
Likes Striving Action
Wants Achievement Results
Risk Takes Minimizes
Rules Breaks Makes
Conflict Uses Avoids
Direction New roads Existing roads
Truth Seeks Establishes
Concern What is right Being right
Credit Gives Takes
Blame Takes Blames

Read the full article here

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