It's always a matter of time. You have time for yourself,
career, family, fun, adventure. It’s not the matter of finding time for it. You
have all the time in the world, you just need to manage and prioritize it.
When I was younger, I’ve been too careless about my future.
I always tell myself that I am young and I have all the rights in the world to
enjoy it. True enough, I had fun along that way. But it could have been better
if I only tried to be more serious and direct.
Growing older made me realize that I need to value time. I
always tell myself that I need to empty my bucket list. I always dream of
travelling the world free of stress and worries. I realized I need financial
freedom, as well as no one dictating what I have to do except God.
But those will just be a dream if I will not value time and
put my right foot forward. I need to start now. I might not be successful in most
of my wishes….. But at least I tried. That’s all that matters now. AJA!